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Cornerstone Christian Academy
K-9 Classical Education in Howick Township

Our Vision

We are passionate about developing disciples of Christ. We aspire to graduate generations of young men and women who are wise and virtuous, who love God, understand His Word and world, stand strong in the truth, and are thoroughly equipped for life and godliness.

Our Distinctives



We cultivate a thoroughly Christian worldview, demonstrating how Christ's Lordship applies to all of life. 



We train students in the classical curriculum, employing the "lost tools of learning": grammar, logic, and rhetoric.



We partner with parents in a collaborative teaching model, combining in-class and at-home instruction.

Our Mission

We exist to equip families as they educate their children in the Christian faith, training students in the Christian paideia using a classical model of education.



Paideia (παιδεá½·α)

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline [παιδεá½·α] and instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)


This Greek word connotes the whole training and education of children; instruction which aims at the increase of virtue. It entails the cultivation of mind and morals as well as the training and care of the body. (Source: Thayer's Greek Lexicon)

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